Also, Bunk Bed / Loft Bed for 2 children below 12.
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Cancellation cost is calculated on basis of arrival at 10 am on date of arrival. Please send your bank details while cancelling the booking.
If you cancel 15 days before the date of arrival- 100% refund within 2 working weeks.
If you cancel less than 15 days before and up to 7 days before arrival- Refund of 70% of the booking cost or voucher worth 80% of the booking cost, for use during your next trip.
If you cancel less than 7 days and up to 48 hoursbefore arrival -Refund of 40% or the booking cost or voucher of 50% of the booking cost, for use during your next trip.
If you cancel less than 48 hours before arrival time- No refunds or vouchers.